Record One:
1. I Robot
2. A Day In The Life
3. Get Back
4. Maxwell's Silver Hammer
5. Maybe (I'm Amazed)
6. I'm Your Sugar
7. Hi Hi Hi
8. The Air That I Breathe
9. I Would'nt Want To Be Like You
10. Breakdown
11. In The Lap Of The Gods
12. Pyramania
13. What Goes Up
14. Lucifer
15. You Lie Down With Dogs
16. Damned If I Do
Record Two:
1. Breathe
2. Money
3. Time
4. Judy Teen
5. Magic
6. Pull The Damn Thing Down
7. Music
8. Somewher I've Never Travelled
9. May Be A Price To Pay
10. The Turn Of A Friendly Card
11. Snake Eyes
12. Game People Play
13. Time
14. Sirius
15. Eye In The Sky
Record Three:
1. End Of The Day
2. Year Of The Cat
3. Time Passages
4. Dream Within A Dream
5. The Raven
6. To One In Paradise
7. I Robot
8. Children Of The Moon
9. Gemini
10. Silence And I
11. You're Gonna Get Your Fingers Burned
12. Psychobabble
13. Mammagamma
14. Step By Step
15. Old And Wise
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