martes, 7 de mayo de 2024

Alan Parsons Live Project SOUNDBOARD Vol.3 (2010 - 2019)

Tercera y ultima entrega de esta serie.


1.  Sirius - Live Alan Parsons Festival Tour 2014, Germany
2.  Eye in the sky - Live Alan Parsons Festival Tour 2014, Germany
3.  As Lights Fall - Fox Theater at Foxwoods Mashantucket March 02, 2019
4.  Damned If I Do - Live in Tel Aviv 10/2/2015
5.  Don't Answer Me - Live at Saarlandhalle, Saarbrücken, Germany 18/12/2013
6.  Fragile - Live in Mainz, Germany 21/8/2014
7.  La Sagrada Familia - Live at Admiralspalast, Berlin, Germany 23/3/2013
8.  Luciferama - Live at Liederhalle Beethovensaal, Stuttgart, Germany 24/3/2013
9.  Old And Wise -  Live at Musical Dome, Cologne, Germany 30/7/2013
10. One Note Symphony - Aspen May 18, 2019
11. Prime Time - Live in Mainz, Germany 21/8/2014
12. The Sorcerer´s Apprentice - Charles Bronfman Auditorium, Tel Aviv, Israel 3/6/2019
13. Time - Medellín 31/8/2013

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